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Web Design

Well Testing Web Site

Client: Data Retrieval Corporation

Services Rendered: Web Site, Web Site Planning, Content Management System, Digital Photography, and Brand Management

Industry: Industrial and Valve Well Testing

Needs: Data Retrieval Corp. already had established a web presence that included an informative site. However certain structural improvements were needed to allow for more effective access to information by potential customers. Also, they needed a web site that allowed for more immediate updates by people throughout the company. Also Data Retrieval Corp. had an intriguing challenge with their company name as many people new them only from their main product "Spidr" and not by the company name itself.

Solution: Leveraging the good qualities of an informative site with a long established domain, Paradigm developed a plan that met the requirements of improving the site organization and implementing a dynamic database driven site. Focusing on their core service and product we built a site around a structural flow that allowed potential customers to find what they were looking for and become educated about their site. Incorporated with this new structure was dynamic content management system that allowed anyone in the company to login from any Internet browser in the world and make changes to the web site as easy as making changes to a Microsoft Word document.

With the web site, we also addressed the brand challenge of competing company identities. Targeting the site around the company brand of "DRC" we still were able to spotlight and feature the company's main product "SPIDR" but keep it effectively subject to the company name itself.

Along with meeting the initial needs of the project, Paradigm incorporated forum, newsletter, and user submitted testimonial tools to allow Data Retrieval Corp. to interact and reach out to existing and potential customers.

Results: Within the first three months of launching the new site their visitor traffic had increased by 75% and two years later the site maintains that visitor increase of 75% to 100% over what they were originally receiving to the site. All this due to site content, organization and natural search engine traffic. Along with the increase of people visiting their site came the increase in calls requesting their product and services.

Because of the success of the site and our positive working relationship we continue to work with Data Retrieval Corporation in adding to and improving their web site as well as consulting with them about their marketing throughout other media.

As an added bonus, the professional and successful update of this site garnered us a referral from one of their vendors that resulted in the production of another site.


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Paradigm New Media

5398 Potentilla Street, Brighton, CO 80601
Phone Toll Free: (866)-858-8490

(c) 2025 Paradigm New Media

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Site by Paradigm